Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brotherhood and its patrons

But anyway, a Masonic brotherhood, continuing to remain in the weight professional association of builders, has received high patrons thanks to whom, probably, and has remained when craft цехи began to fall into decay and disappear gradually.
At this time boxes are entered by representatives of scientific intelligency, philosophers and people of reformatory mentality who because of come after Reformatsiej reaction could not state freely the sights any more. The utopian ideas asserting that it is possible to construct a fair society on bases достижний a science and reason get into a freemasonry. As it is impossible for development of these ideas more the structure of building corporations in which, along with representatives of heavy manual skills, people creative - artists, sculptors, architects entered promoted also. The Masonic shop in itself was a symbol of that any large business demands concordant efforts of all workers how are low or their knowledge and ability were high. These ancient ethics of builders became a fertile field for development of ideas of justice, equality and nonviolent repartition of a society on new, more reasonable basis.
These ideas was unsafe to proclaim openly; symbolical language of a freemasonry from here originates. Building tools become the signs symbolising moral qualities, embody ethical laws of justice, process of building becomes a symbol of construction of a new perfect society. The freemasonry, thus, gradually turns from corporate ideology of a craft brotherhood to the ethical doctrine which is bringing up in the adherents the best human qualities.
Here is how outstanding Russian writer Michael Osorgin wrote about Masonic works:" In the long term lime avenue there are outlines of a stood Temple which will be never completed. Here the people noted not by special talents, not profans by merits, not riches, not the blood which has been not caught for a tail by glory, and the secret press devoted are flown down from all countries. They are called by nobody - they have found themselves and have mutually confirmed. The brotherly chain kafinsk in knots has connected them together and has separated from the bearing malice, sick, uneducated world which should creating. While other builders, experts and visionaries are a benefactor mankind ready programs, treat to its social experiences, pull out each other reins of jingling chariots and slide head over heels under feet всбесившихся horses, - these secret conspirators, out of political passions and prejudices - on that party of dogma and obligatory beliefs, having armed with a hammer and a cutter of searches, slowly square each own rough stone, trying to give to it correct, convenient for adjustment to another the form. The past the first искус puts the base from these stones and puts up walls of a new ideal Temple; tested in work put fine drawing on a drawing board and supervise over building. The stately Temple grows both in breadth and up, - but its scales are that that only all mankind could the general amicable efforts to complete its construction by a uniform dome. To live before any mason does not dream; It is content with the small contribution, - and he dies, bequeathing the business to the master new which, maybe, will alter anew all its work, because the best the enemy good, the true is known to nobody..."

Monday, August 24, 2009

The some list of masons

* Rothschild, Ferdinand a baron
* Forms, Lui Ogjust the revolutionary, supervised over system Iluminats karbonats boxes
* Ruzhe de Lil the author of "Marseillaise"
* Buchanan, George William — the English ambassador in Russia in 1910-1917, belonged розенкрейцерскому to the Award «Gold dawn» Golden Dawn
* Shtrezeman Gustav the German chancellor and the Minister for Foreign Affairs (1923—1929). (Berlin), the honorary member of the Great Parent box «Zu den drei Weltkugeln» is devoted in a box «Friedrich der Grosse». The initiator of creation (along with Brianom Aristidom and Errio Edward) the sir-evropy. in its honour in 2002 is named the box "Gustav Shtrezeman" (Berlin) entering into system of the Great box of Germany VGLvD.
* Brian Aristid the Minister for Foreign Affairs of France in 1915-17, 1921-24, 1925-31 the world Nobel Prize together with Shtrezemanom for the organisation of the Pact of Locarno. It is devoted in a box «Le Trait d’Union de Saint Nazaire» the Great East of France, in Paris visited a box «Les Chevalier du Travail».
* Henry Ford, the autoindustrialist, degree of the master in a box of Palestin № 357 (1894), consisted in box Zion Lodge No 1 till 1947
* Haushofer, Charles the professor of political economy, the president of German academy in Munich, the geopolitician. An award to Tula
* Gothold Efraim Lessing — the German playwright, the theorist of art and the literary critic-educator. The founder of the German classical literature.
* Zeller Fred (Frederic Victor) (1912—2003) secretar L.D.Trotsky (1930th years). In the early seventies the Grand master of the Great East of France
* Benesh, Edward the president of Czechoslovakia 1935—1938. "Jan Amos Komensky" № 1 is devoted in the Box, Prague, is spent and erected in the Box «True will triumph», also in Prague in 1927-1928 later
* Attali, Jacque the president of the European bank of reconstruction and development till 1993 Orden Bnaj Brit.
* Hanemann, Samuel the doctor, the homoeopathy founder
* Nobel, Alfred the inventor of dynamite, the founder of Nobel Prizes.
* Licho Dzhelli the head of Masonic lodge "propagation-2" , Italy.
* Mozes Mendelson - evrejsko-German the philosopher, the translator of bible texts, the critic, the founder and the spiritual leader of movement of Haskala («the Jewish education»).

Freemasonry and Christianity

The freemasonry has arisen in the Christian environment, therefore there are also interpretation, according to which freemasonry — a Christian phenomenon, and, especially in конспирологических circles — attributing to a freemasonry of a radical Antichristian orientation (atheistic or сатанистской). The basic wave of Antimasonic publications historically contacts activity of a Catholic Award of Jesuits. The atheistic direction is present at a freemasonry from a XIX-th century and is now characteristic for the Great East of France and liberal Masonic jurisdictions (in Russia — the Box of the Great East of France "Moscow") which suppose acceptance in the numbers of agnostics and even atheists. However withdrawal from ландмарок freemasonry of the requirement about obligatory belief for each mason in God has led to rupture of relations with a liberal freemasonry of the majority of "Grand Lodge" (nowadays forming a regular freemasonry) for which the belief in uniform God is a freemasonry corner stone.

The freemasonry has arisen among Christians, and in a XVIII-th century cases when to Jews and Moslems (despite a legend about dedication of Saladina in the Award) refused reception in a freemasonry were frequent. Now such radical freemasonry remains in the past and in a freemasonry accept the people believing in the uniform Creator.

Till now in the higher degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Charter extended in Russia, since 18th degree, all symbols and ceremonialism христанские. In the rectified Scottish Charter, since 5th degree all ceremonialism and symbols also exclusively Christian, also is brought the oath with the obligation to devote the life to service to the Christ.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

«The all-seeing Eye»

«The all-seeing Eye» is represented on monetary banknotes of the several countries. So on the back denominations in 1 US dollar since 1935 the Big press of the USA on which the truncated pyramid with an eye is represented is placed. Initiators of change of a banknote were G.Wallace and F.Ruzvelt, its designer — Edward M.Uiks, the chief of Engraving department of Bureau on release of bank notes and securities at the Treasury Department of the US. «The all-seeing Eye» is represented also on the Nicaraguan denomination where it is an element of the arms of republic and on the Ukrainian banknote face value of 500 grivnas.

Ideology and symbolics

Each mason honours God, being in a freemasonry, to it address, as to «the Great Builder (Architect) of the Universe», and confession of any traditional religion is supposed. The freemasonry is not religion or religion replacement, in a freemasonry there is no theology, and discussions on religious and to political problems are excluded from Masonic meetings. Each mason continues to profess those religious views with which he has come to a box, and it большее the attention to its religion is welcomed. The recognition of belief in God as basis of a freemasonry and its principles, goes back to founders of a modern speculative freemasonry in the beginning XVIII in and it adheres the dominating majority of a world freemasonry, the emphasis is placed on obligatory monotheism.

The freemasonry is positioned as the moral-ethical system expressed in allegories and illustrated by symbols, the majority of symbolics is borrowed from other cultures, in rituals legends with bible characters are beaten. The attention of masons addresses on necessity of moral self-improvement, and also spiritual growth within the limits of that religion which each of them professes. The freemasonry philosophy includes external elements as Christianities, and other religions.

The symbolics and freemasonry terminology starts from instruments of labour of masons-builders of medieval cathedrals in Europe which were the first so-called. "Brothers" of movement. the compasses, a plumb are interpreted by masons in symbolical sense and used for a statement of Masonic moral-ethical system. The standard symbol of movement is the triangle in which the open eye — «Radiant Delta» as it is called in a freemasonry is represented. The image of an eye in a triangle is borrowed from Christianity where this sign is a symbol «All-seeing Oka» foresights, and the triangle symbolises the Trinity. The symbol meets on icons and cult constructions, including orthodox. To Christians a bit different symbol «All-seeing Oka» was popular in ancient Egyptians.

The radiant Delta reminds the mason about всепроникновении the Creator, the Higher Life. It is the main Masonic symbol of the first degree, degree of the pupil. the eye is replaced often with the circle entered in a triangle. In a liberal freemasonry the Radiant Delta is considered a sign on culture or a consciousness principle.

One of freemasonry symbols also is the acacia which is considered one of the basic symbols used in a freemasonry, and is connected with so the Legend about death of master Hirama — thematic base of degree of the master-mason. Further: a plumb — an aspiration symbol to perfection, level — an equality symbol, наугольник — a symbol of steadiness and reconciliation of invariable aspiration to perfection with really achievable, a symbol terrestrial, compasses — a moderation and prudence symbol, and also aspirations to the higher and spiritual, a symbol of strengthening of brotherly communications, etc. In a freemasonry the bible legend about Hrama Solomona building is widely used.

Loyalty to the authorities of those countries and territories where the freemasonry exists, is one of Masonic principles. Work on advantage of a society is considered one of Masonic virtues. For the majority of masons of the world it is realised by their participation in charities.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dedication ceremony

The candidate for masons in the ceremony beginning get in the Room of Reflections painted in black colour which conditions correspond to the name, in it there can be the subjects reminding to the candidate about caducity of life. In it the candidate will write on a paper the morally-philosophical will, the wishes and vows concerning itself and other people, the country, a family and mankind as a whole. Then it will ask to confirm once again the belief in God.

Before input in a temple where there is a dedication, to the candidate blindfold. As a sign of humility the candidate «neither is dressed, nor undressed» (partially undress, and the left breast is bared as a sign of a heart openness), at it all values ("metals") are selected, to it засучивают the right trouser-leg and remove the left boot. To it a neck put on a cord symbolising bonds of human imperfection. The candidate spend to a temple premise (a hall of session of a box) where it passes through ritual tests, listens to manuals of moral-philosophical character, participates in small scenes and the dialogues which purpose visually to present moral manuals of ritual. In the end of ceremony it brings the solemn obligation to the Sacred Book of that religion which he professes (usually it is the Bible, the compasses also are put on it and наугольник). Further to the candidate remove a bandage, saying thus that it now «has passed tests and is worthy Light», it put on a Masonic apron, and after presiding at ceremony (Dostochtimyj the Master) declares present that now they have found the new brother and urges to help it with difficulties, being assured in that, as it a difficult minute will help them. Often ceremony of dedication is spent with music underneath that even more strengthens impressions of the candidate.


Masons, the moral-ethical movement which has arisen in a XVIII-th century in the form of the secret international organisation with rituals and symbolics, illustrating principles and freemasonry ideals. , the literal translation of this name — the free mason is used also.

The freemasonry exists in the form of local boxes — usually small groups number till 40-50 the person, united territorially, there are boxes more largely on number. Local boxes are established by the Great Box which serves for it parent. As a rule, in one country there is only one «the Great Box». In the USA, however,
"Grand Lodge" is available in each staff. At the head of the Great Box there is the Great Master chosen from number of brothers (masons). A freemasonry name an award if speak about it as about the organised community of people, or a brotherhood, meaning or underlining brotherly character of relations between members of boxes (masons).

The first Masonic lodges have been based in a XVII-th century to England, organizational a freemasonry was issued with occurrence of the first Great Box in 1717 in London, Incorporated Great Box which has become subsequently of England (
UGLE) and considered parent for all freemasonry. There are versions about much more ancient origin of the freemasonry which beginning is deduced from awards тамплиеров and guilds of masons of XIII century.