Monday, August 24, 2009

Freemasonry and Christianity

The freemasonry has arisen in the Christian environment, therefore there are also interpretation, according to which freemasonry — a Christian phenomenon, and, especially in конспирологических circles — attributing to a freemasonry of a radical Antichristian orientation (atheistic or сатанистской). The basic wave of Antimasonic publications historically contacts activity of a Catholic Award of Jesuits. The atheistic direction is present at a freemasonry from a XIX-th century and is now characteristic for the Great East of France and liberal Masonic jurisdictions (in Russia — the Box of the Great East of France "Moscow") which suppose acceptance in the numbers of agnostics and even atheists. However withdrawal from ландмарок freemasonry of the requirement about obligatory belief for each mason in God has led to rupture of relations with a liberal freemasonry of the majority of "Grand Lodge" (nowadays forming a regular freemasonry) for which the belief in uniform God is a freemasonry corner stone.

The freemasonry has arisen among Christians, and in a XVIII-th century cases when to Jews and Moslems (despite a legend about dedication of Saladina in the Award) refused reception in a freemasonry were frequent. Now such radical freemasonry remains in the past and in a freemasonry accept the people believing in the uniform Creator.

Till now in the higher degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Charter extended in Russia, since 18th degree, all symbols and ceremonialism христанские. In the rectified Scottish Charter, since 5th degree all ceremonialism and symbols also exclusively Christian, also is brought the oath with the obligation to devote the life to service to the Christ.

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